Marketing the emergency trauma dressings Made to Save Lives
Celox Rapid

The Trauma Business Unit of Medtrade Products needed a new brand identity for Celox Rapid - a haemostatic dressing designed to reduce or stop blood loss in time-critical, emergency situations. The Foundry was asked to develop a new brand positioning and suite of communications that was representative of a global leader in trauma and emergency medicine.

Interpret + Define
After a decade of combat and deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan, the armed forces, domestic security and civilian trauma personnel were experiencing a step-change in treating life-threatening injuries. The use of haemostatic dressings was growing, alongside Medtrade's Trauma Business, with its signature Celox range becoming the MoD's exclusive choice.
Despite its success, their master brand, Celox Rapid, was struggling to differentiate. It needed a clear positioning to stand out and shout about its benefits. Namely, that it is faster - working with just 60 seconds' compression - and saves more lives with 90% survival rates.
Imagine + Create
We wanted to show that Celox products can perform under the same pressure as the people who use them. To strike a chord with our target audience, we knew the creative approach needed to feel real and human, showing that we understand the unique demands of life-or-death situations.
We arranged meetings with three members of the core target audience, a female paramedic and two male army personnel. Their personal and powerful stories of saving lives with Celox Rapid would form the basis of our communications.

Rise + Shine
In a life-threatening emergency, every second counts and speed is Celox Rapid's key USP. Underpinned by the overarching brand positioning 'Made to save lives', we created a new brand marque for Celox Rapid with the strapline 'Made to stop bleeding in 60 seconds' and chose to focus all content around its time-saving capabilities.
To appeal to both US and UK markets, the tone had to be bold and unapologetic, not reservedly British. It was also important that all user groups felt like it was the right solution for them, from the armed forces to civilian first responders.
We commissioned photography featuring real, close-up shots of our real people who use Celox Rapid. All images were shot in a gritty, documentary style, capturing the real emotion behind the eyes of the individual and compelling copy told their story.
The entire suite of communications was updated with the new look and feel, including new brand guidelines, Sales Aids, press ads, pull-up banners, social media and website.